Thursday, September 28, 2017


This is my friend Kristin holding one of the kittens that come in sometimes and as college students pets usually relieve stress that is created from long nights of homework and studying.

Edits made: Brightness increased slightly, contrast increased, blue hue added.

This is my best friend Shannon from back at home she is going to school to become an elementary school teacher. This picture shows that as funny as this looks she is starting to practice reading to her audience.

Edits made: Brightness decreased, contrast increased, color balance, exposure added.

self introduction

During my free time my favorite thing to do is watch Netflix and my favorite show at the moment is Glee and Stranger things.

Edits made: Brightness decreased, contrast increased, blue hue added, color balance, red hue increased.

Writing is something I have always been passionate about it allows me to express myself in ways that I can not even imagine. I have high forms of anxiety and writing has always helped and I am hoping that writing will be apart of my future career.

Edits made: Brightness decreased, contrast increased, color balance, blue and yellow hue added.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Any Topic


These pictures that I tried posting as a triptych was taken at Stanley Park. A close up off a bee. 

Edits made: Crop,brightness, contrast, hue and saturation addition 

This picture of a boy and a girl under an umbrella was taken at Stanley park. 

Edits made: Brightness decreased, contrast increase, color balance, hue and saturation addition. 

Campus Life

This picture was taken on campus it shows how our campus comes together as one to make the world a better place.

Edits made: brightness, contrast, curve adjustment, Hue and saturation addition

This picture of the map was taken at Stanley Park. Allows our campus to know that we except everyone.

Edits made: brightness, contrast, color balance


This picture of the beautiful calm river was taken in Stanley Park.

Edits made: Brightness, Contrast, Vibrance, Color balance

This picture of an open field was taken at Stanley Park

Edits made: Brightness, level brightness, added exposure.
